Our Approach as a Microsoft and Google Shopping Ads Agency
Instead of using keywords like you would when running a regular pay per click campaign, Shopping Ads rely on a product feed that is imported through the Google or Microsoft Merchant Center and linked to your account.
Each feed contains important information about your products like SKU, price, product image, availability and more.
While it is easy to gather and manage all of this information using a plugin through your e-commerce ad system, we typically like to take a more hands-on approach, so we can make sure the information being shown in these ads is as relevant and easy to read as possible. This can involve a little bit more legwork for us during the setup, but don’t worry, it doesn’t require any additional work for you. We’re willing to do a little bit more work on our end if it ensures better results for our clients down the road!
Benefits of Shopping Ads
- Higher Clickthrough Rates
Because Shopping ads appear in their own box on the Google and Bing Search Results Pages in addition to a corresponding picture, e-commerce clients experience significantly more engagement with these ads. More engagement means a higher click through rate and a higher clickthrough rate (CTR) means more qualified traffic to your website. - Competitive Edge
Although this ad format is gaining in popularity, there’s a chance your competitors haven’t taken advantage of it yet. If they have, consumers have the option to directly compare your product to theirs, and if implemented correctly, you should be able to outshine your competition.
- Higher Conversion Rates
Not only do you have more traffic, your traffic is more qualified. Because Shopping Ads contain additional detailed information that text ads do not, potential buyers have a better idea of your product offering which assists them in making a purchase decision even before they enter your site to complete the sale. These visitors are often searching with intent to buy, and Shopping Ads make it easy for them to convert. - More Real Estate
Shopping Ads can appear more than once for a search query and alongside text ads and organic ads. This enhances your brand presence on the search engine result pages and a broader reach to your customers.
How To Get Started
Google and Microsoft Shopping can lead an e-commerce strategy – but it needs to be done correctly to receive the maximum benefits. Not sure if Product Listing Ads are right for you? We'd be happy to help you figure it out!