October 26 2023
The Importance of Call Tracking to Any Digital Marketing Program
Lead Data is Key
As a B2B company, your digital marketing efforts look to generate quality leads, meaning lead data is key to tracking your marketing programs’ success and improving these strategies for future lead cycles. Tracking leads received online via form submissions and e-commerce can be seen on Google and Microsoft platforms and in more detail in LOOP Analytics. However, while these platforms can show the number of click-to-calls your digital marketing generates, they cannot reveal the valuable lead details within those phone conversations.
This is where call tracking comes in. Call tracking bridges the gap between click-to-call actions and their metrics, giving your organization full insight into your lead quality by listening to potential customers directly. In this blog, learn how evaluating your phone call recordings provides valuable customer data that can link lead quality to your marketing programs, inform future marketing adjustments, improve close rates, and refine customer service.
What is Call Tracking?
When calling a company, have you ever heard the message, “Your call may be monitored for quality assurance,” or some variation of this before a representative answers? That’s because the company you have called has a call-tracking solution that enables them to play back conversations and gather data on how callers discovered them.
There are a variety of solutions on the market for call tracking, but TopSpot utilizes CallRail. CallRail measures offline conversions received via call tracking numbers assigned to landing pages and assets like PDFs, videos, or trade show collateral. All tracked phone calls record in real time and identify the caller. You can see the incoming number, time, date, duration, and the affiliated company on the platform. This does not impact the user experience on your website or disrupt internal processes. Again, only a quick message notes that the call is being recorded.
How Does Call Tracking Software Like CallRail Work?
Your leads go to Google, Bing, or another search engine and they click on an organic listing or paid ad thanks to your digital marketing efforts. Once on your website, a small piece of JavaScript code automatically rewrites the phone number throughout the site, making it unique to the user and their path. The software forwards the call to your main phone number and then tracks the source of the customer by the number dialed and records the conversation. All data for this user goes to the platform, where you can learn if this is a first-time or returning caller and what digital marketing program initiated contact.
The setup process sees our Team installing the code onto your website. There is no major code upheaval required and no equipment or hardware to install. As part of TopSpot’s standard process, we monitor CallRail and include its data in our reporting, and then we integrate the knowledge gained into proposed marketing strategies.
Why is Call Tracking Important?
Research shows that phone calls generate 10 to 12 times more conversions than lead forms across all business types. As mobile device use continues to dominate, it’s not surprising that 60% of users reported calling a business directly from search engine results via mobile, emphasizing the importance of mobile-optimized websites with click-to-call features.
On average, TopSpot tracks two to three phone calls for every form submission, which is on par for most B2B businesses. In B2B, phone calls often make up most website conversions, meaning businesses without call tracking lack visibility for over half their leads.
What Can Your Business Learn from Call Tracking?
Call analytics gives helpful insights into your products and how people interact with them, your website, and your other online marketing. There’s tons to be gained from looking at call tracking data.
- Get the Full Picture of Your Leads: See how many offline conversions (phone calls) your website is getting and add this data to your online conversions (form submissions) for a complete picture of your leads.
- Learning from Lead Data: Evaluating your phone call recordings can shed light on the quantity and quality of opportunities received from your marketing programs. Listening to phone calls can also highlight opportunities by pointing out areas of your site that could be improved or expanded, including updated navigation, new keywords, and new content.
- Improve Close Rates: Alignment between Sales and Marketing Teams keeps qualified leads coming in and helps get them closed. This data can help define quality leads and ensure that both Teams align their messaging of products and services.
- Improve Customer Service: Monitor your internal Team’s management of customers and prospects to keep a pulse on customer service goals. Customer service must include little-to-no hold times, call trees mapped to connect callers quickly to the right representative, and same-day return calls for positive Customer experiences and a higher chance of sales and referrals.
Call Tracking Wrap Up
Tracking your phone calls provides visibility on your website, your digital marketing’s effectiveness, aligning Sales and Marketing, plus the status of your company’s customer service. This data can inform future marketing and business decisions—keeping leads and customers your top priority.
Have questions about call tracking and CallRail? Reach out to your Account Team for more information. Not a TopSpot partner? Contact TopSpot to learn more about integrated online marketing strategies and how to get call tracking included in your analytics.
Tags: analytics, call tracking